What Novak Djokovic’s Story at the Australian Open 2022 Tells Us About Successful People

That is actually good and you can learn from it

Przemyslaw Jarzynski
3 min readJan 12, 2022
Photo by Chino Rocha on Unsplash

How to be successful? Watch what successful people do and do the same things.

So what do successful people do? Let’s look at Novak Djokovic during the Australian Open in 2022 and let’s try to learn from it.

1. Successful people are on the mission and nothing can stop them

Regardless of the circumstances in the world, his personal circumstances or the situation in Australia, Novak Djokovic’s plan was to attend the tournament in Australia and win it. He’s applied for the exemption and went above and beyond to show up and compete to win his next title.

What can we learn from it?
Successful people don’t hesitate. They follow their plan and try to succeed no matter what.

2. Successful people break the rules (or at least bent) sometimes

If you follow the story you know that Novak did not exactly follow the rules in the weeks prior to arriving in Australia and his visa application also contained some errors (intentional or not). Don’t break the law but there are…



Przemyslaw Jarzynski

20+ years in Web Development | Senior Web Dev in leading cloud-computing company for the life sciences with HQ in California. YouTube: pjwebdev.com/youtube