AI to NoCode: Transforming Healthcare, Education, and Web Development

Przemyslaw Jarzynski
6 min readSep 3, 2023
Image generated by AI (Midjourney)

Welcome to this week’s newsletter, where we explore the groundbreaking ways technology is shaping our world! Dive into how Generative AI is revolutionizing healthcare by automating tasks and personalizing treatment. Discover why Google is watermarking AI-generated images and what OpenAI suggests about ChatGPT’s role in education. Learn about Webflow’s latest update aimed at democratizing development capabilities. Find out how Make challenges Zapier in workflow automation, and why omnichannel marketing is the way forward for businesses. Get ready for a knowledge-packed read!


How Generative AI Impacts the Healthcare Industry

The article explores the substantial impact of Generative AI on the healthcare industry. It highlights how this technology is capable of automating administrative tasks, thus reducing the overall costs associated with healthcare. Generative AI can also sift through large volumes of data to create personalized treatment plans, thereby enhancing the effectiveness of care and increasing patient satisfaction. Additionally, the technology has shown promise in expediting the development of drugs for rare diseases, making it both cost-effective and time-saving.



Przemyslaw Jarzynski

20+ years in Web Development | Senior Web Dev in leading cloud-computing company for the life sciences with HQ in California. YouTube: